This is a clear allegory for the spiritual battles surrounding us daily. Are your spiritual eyes open to those in darkness all around you? We often treat it with indifference, and those most invested in the war will often feel the battle more strongly. I wonder how things would change if we could see the battle with our own eyes as Christian did. We would most certainly take it more seriously. The power we need and the battles themselves belong to the Lord. We do not have the strength and resources to fight and win apart from Him. We are fighting a spiritual battle and therefore need spiritual weapons, the Christian disciplines listed in the following verses.
In the original Greek the phrase “put on” means put on once and for all, not put on when you hear the battle, or when you expect a fight, or in certain places, or on special days of the week. Although we are charged with using the armor and becoming more adept in it, we constantly are clothed for battle. Protected by the armor of God we are able to resist the devil, and he will flee from us. When we are not living our lives in the armor of God, the devil can exploit our weaknesses. Perhaps you can think of some who were used mightily of God but fell by the wayside because of just such a circumstance.
We struggle against rulers and powers and the world forces of the darkness. Political systems and religions around the world are led by those who follow the whispers of demons. Even some who masquerade as Christians or churches may be ruled by darkness and disavow such things as the deity of Christ or the truth of Scripture. The war rages around us, and we should grasp tightly our swords and open our spiritual eyes.
I like what old Uncle Bud Robinson said - he looked at the Christian life as a war and he said - All my life I'll fight the devil and when I've lost my teeth I'll gum him till I die. It's relentless. It never ceases to be warfare, living for Christ is not waltzing through a meadow picking daisies; it's walking through a mine field with snipers all around you. Snipers you can't see or perceive because they belong to a supernatural realm beyond your ability to conceive. This is war and the enemy is hell-bent on destruction of every divine purpose.
– John MacArthur
– John MacArthur
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