Monday, October 10, 2011

1 John 2:12

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His name's sake.

You may notice right away that this verse is nearly identical to verse one, indicating John’s emphasis of the idea presented. Some commentators believe “little children” applies to all those to whom John considered himself to be a spiritual father. But the use of “τεκνία” rendered “little children” may refer to those under 20, as John goes on to address young and older adults. Children and youth are important in the fellowship of the church body and need training in theology. The hopes of a church are in them. Their minds are susceptible to impression. The character of the piety in the next age will depend on their views of religion. All that there is of value in the church and the world will soon pass into their hands. It is important that all of us, not just parents, grandparents, and children/youth leaders, train them in the way they should walk. It isn’t enough to just get them into the building through fun and exciting activities.

“Your sins have been forgiven you.” The precept certainly applies to us all. The fact that our past sins are blotted out furnishes a strong reason why we should be holy. Our lives should have a different appearance than others “of this world”. Does yours?

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